Alaus Laiškai – Limited Edition Labels
Client – Volfas Engelman (Olvi Group)
Services – Packaging design
Year – 2019
Volfas Engelman is one of largest breweries in Lithuania. While craft beer market was growing in country they decided to create a small brewery for craft beer with new sub brand “Alaus Laiškai” (Beer Letters). The main concept was created in 2016.
After few years of working with other agency they decided to choose us for limited edition beers. We had to think brave and create something unusual. During craft beer market growth this category created a new style of beer labels and in some point of view there is a “classic design of craft beer”. So we wanted to do something new and different.
What happens when the old fashioned gentlemen and beer lover sees the future of beer? His roofs takes off and he is pleasantly surprised, because he would never thought that in future he will be able to taste something like fusion of wine and beer. This was our idea of Barley Wine label.
The Baltic porter was inspired by the story of beer type. While in XVIII age mens were brewing Baltic Porter near Baltic Sea, in that time Ladies in West countries were elegant and nice. The beer elegant like a lady, strong a Baltic Man and sweet like a dream! The beer which has a true and beautiful story. It has reborn for a freedom and surprise. This story we tried to told in the label.
The main character of Volfas Engelman brand is a Gentleman. So we thought that Gentleman pelican with a hat would be perfect crazy and elegant character.
All beers look different and outstanding not only from mainstream beers but also from craft beers.