ERGO – Electornics

Client – ERGO Electronics

Services – Logo design

Year – 2016

ERGO it is a brand of reliable and high-quality appliances with 10 years of experience in the market. Company is producing wide range of products from headphones to air conditioners. The head office of company in Ukraine, but ERGO is sold across Georigia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries in middle east. The logotype in 2016 became outdated and not representing the company and products in right way.

We started from a new point of view, without taking details from the old logo. In case that all products are different we need very functional logo which should be usable on in-ear headphones to a fridge or TV. So we selected three compositions Main logo, main logo with red background and the mark/symbol. For symbol we selected to merge power button symbol and letter e. From this idea we created a slogan “Power on your _____”, and you can fill it with any product for example “Power on your TV”. The slogan motivates you to get new devices, use them and enjoy.

ERGO is very popular brand name in different categories all over the world. So this logo should be unique and different looking that other. Finally we created a functional, unique logo with new slogan.


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