Fass Brause – Volfas Engelman

Client – Volfas Engelman

Services – Packaging Design

Year – 2018


Fassbrause is traditional german drink. It can be mildly alcoholic or non-alcoholic and is made from fruit and malt extract, traditionally stored in a keg. The chemist Ludwig Scholvien invented this drink in 1908 in Berlin for his son, in oder to offer a non-alcoholic beer substitute of similar colour and taste.

Non-alcoholic beverage market is growing in Lithuania. One of our clients decided to offer consumers a new kind of sparkling alcohol free drink and our task was to create a label for this product.

Idea was to combine traditional beer and craft lemonade looks and merge into one design that would stand out from competing alco free beers and lemonades. Its disctinct look and clear taste imagery communicates craft drink values & creates new non-alcoholic beverage category in Lithiania.


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