OHO Multigrain Snack

OHO Multigrain Snack

Client – Naujasis Nevėžis, UAB

Services – Packaging design update

Year – 2021

The agency task was to update the design and solve some issues. In previous packaging design was not visible the taste and product, it was not looking tasty. Packaging design was made in local language so our task was to make it ready for international sales.

OHO MULTIGRAIN snack is made from whole grain and mixed with wholesome ingredients to give you a flavourful, tasty and healthy snack option. It is delicious, crunchy and yummy snack option.

New OHO MULTIGRAIN snack packages have a funky packaging design that makes the products look tasty. It helps customers choose which product they would like to buy in store by clearly showing what the snacks are.


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