Moon Berry Wine Limited Edition

Moonberry Wine

L I M I T E D  E D I T I O N


This year we decided to celebrate Christmas with creative workshop, where we wanted to show what we know best – creating brand logos and package design, yet differently than usually. The decision to prepare such workshop came to our minds after thinking about the real meaning of Christmas and the value of hand-made gifts. Therefore, for our customers we have prepared a limited edition wine package. As a present we chose an exclusive Lithuanian raspberries wine, created by one of the famous Lithuanian wine-makers Česlovas Ramoška.

As for a name we chose a mystified word – Moonberry, which would create and association with Moon Troops and would send a message that it’s a wine made out of berries, not grapes.

Inspired by Christmas spirit, we developed a packaging, which would encapsulate the idea of naturalness – the label is made of natural cherry wood fiber. The box is made of pine and stained in russet color. On the inside, the wine is covered with a fragrant natural hay. The main idea of this product – to symbolize new discoveries in an exclusive, unique and hand-made packaging.

The whole process is immortalized not only in pictures, but also in a short video clip. Our clients have found a link to a greeting and a video clip of whole creative process. This was a truly different Christmas concept, which enabled us to look at everything creatively and test ourselves from a different angle.


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